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Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

An aging air conditioner can start costing you more in energy bills and repair costs. Watch out for these signs it’s time to replace your old AC unit.

Air Conditioner Snowflakes

Is your air conditioning unit wheezing and sputtering through another hot summer? With skyrocketing energy bills and frustrating repair costs, an aging air conditioning system can start costing you more. If your air conditioner is over ten years old, it may show signs that replacing the old unit with a new one is time.

There are several clear indicators to watch out for that signal your trusty air conditioner is approaching the end of its useful life. Please pay attention to changes like higher summer energy bills, the need for frequent repairs decreased cold air, the unit never reaching its desired temperature, bothersome noises, and overall age. If you notice these warning signs, it could mean your AC system needs to be replaced soon. Replacing an old, inefficient air conditioner with a new energy-efficient model can save money and prevent more costly issues.

Read on to discover some top signs that your air conditioning unit is due for replacement. Then, you can enjoy a stress-free and perfectly-tempered summer.

Benefits of a New AC Unit

Upgrading to a new air conditioning unit has many benefits beyond greater cooling capacity. Here are some top reasons to replace your old AC with a new system:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency—Newer AC units use advanced compressor technology to provide the same excellent airflow with much less electricity usage, saving you money on energy bills in the long run.
  • Enhanced Features - Modern air conditioning units have smart features like WiFi-enabled thermostats, efficient multi-stage cooling, and dual-zone temperature control for comfort.

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  • Quieter Operation - New air conditioner compressors and internal components are designed for smooth, quiet functioning without noisy vibration.
  • Rebates and Tax Credits - Many utilities offer rebates for upgrading to an ENERGY STAR-certified AC unit. You can also claim tax credits for a new energy-efficient air conditioning system.
  • Better Humidity Control - A new AC evaporator coil removes excess moisture from the air more effectively, improving air quality and comfort.
  • Reliable Cooling - Rather than constant repairs, a new HVAC unit will provide reliable, consistent air conditioning without unexpected temperature spikes.
  • Longevity—New air conditioners are built to last 10-15 years. An old AC approaching the end of its lifespan will continue to have issues.

Replacing an aging or damaged compressor with a new, efficient system is worth the investment in long-term savings, increased energy efficiency and comfort.

Warning Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Replacing

Sign #1: High Energy Bills

If your energy bills start skyrocketing every summer, it’s likely a sign your older air conditioning unit is inefficient and needs replacing. Older air conditioning units use significantly more electricity to push out the same amount of cool air as newer models. Even with clean air filters, an aging HVAC system has to work harder to keep your home cold.

Hvac System Working

While energy costs naturally increase when powering your air conditioner in summer, an extreme spike in your utility bills indicates your old AC is gulping up electricity. As air conditioning units age over ten, their efficiency deteriorates substantially. Upgrading to a new, energy-efficient air conditioner can slash your energy bills and save you money immediately. Consider replacing your air conditioner if summer energy costs are excessively high.

Sign #2: Frequent Repairs

Once your air conditioning unit passes ten years old, repairs tend to become more frequent and costly. Parts like the AC unit’s compressor and coils wear out over time, refrigerant can leak, and diminished airflow causes issues. To keep older air conditioners running, they require regular maintenance and repairs from HVAC technicians, and it often isn’t just one major repair.

At a certain point, constantly calling an air conditioning specialist for issues like leaky refrigerant, diminished airflow, broken fans, the air conditioner’s compressor, changing temperature settings, and faulty electrical components is no longer worth the money. If you find yourself needing significant repairs or calling the air conditioning technician out multiple times a year, it’s likely time to invest in a new unit. While repairs may temporarily fix problems and keep hot air at bay, a new air conditioner replacement means fewer issues and consistent air temperature without the hassle.

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Sign #3: Lack of Cooling Power

An older air conditioning system may struggle to keep your home as comfortable and cool as it used to. This will impact your comfort and electricity bills. Even a well-maintained air conditioner can have diminished cooling capacity after 10+ years of use. You may notice rooms taking longer to cool down, the outdoor unit cycling on and off frequently, or warm air coming out of air vents.

If your aging AC unit runs constantly without effectively cooling your home, it likely has issues like low refrigerant levels, build-up on coils, or failing electrical components. Modern air conditioners are designed to easily maintain consistent indoor temperatures. An inability to cool correctly usually signifies performance problems in older units. Upgrading to a new, high-efficiency system means faster cooling without the electricity bill spikes of an AC unit working overtime.

Sign #4: Strange Noises

If your current air conditioner is making strange noises such as rattling, buzzing or squealing, it could signal issues with worn-out parts. Older AC units tend to develop more vibrations, humming, and squeaking noises from damage to fan motors, compressors and moving parts.

Excess noise and rattling from your aging air conditioning unit or outdoor cooling system is problematic if unaddressed. At best, these annoying sounds indicate the need for repair by an HVAC technician. At worst, they signify your AC unit has broken components, a very unhealthy environment within the unit, and potential long-term damage.

Aircon Remote

If your old air conditioner is consistently noisy, no matter how much regular maintenance you perform, it may be time for a replacement unit. Newer AC units run much more quietly and smoothly. Unusual noises from an aging unit typically mean underlying issues are present.

Sign #5: Old Age

The typical life expectancy of an air conditioner is 10-15 years. Once your unit surpasses that age range, replacing it is likely the most cost-effective option, even if it’s still functioning. After a decade of use, air conditioning systems become extremely inefficient at cooling your home, no matter how well maintained.

Aircon Wall

Most HVAC experts recommend replacing your air conditioner once it passes 15 years old. No matter how many repairs you make, an aging AC unit will never be as energy-efficient or effective as a new model. New air conditioners are, on average, 50% more efficient at cooling while cutting electricity costs.

Rather than sinking more repair costs into an outdated, inefficient system close to the end of its life expectancy, investing in a replacement can save you money in the long term. If your AC unit seems to be showing its age, an energy audit can determine if it’s time for an upgrade.

What to Look for in a New AC Unit

When replacing an aging or damaged air conditioner, carefully evaluate new units to choose one that fits your home’s needs. Here are vital factors to consider:

  • SEER - Compare energy savings between units using the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). The higher the SEER, the more efficient the AC system.
  • Proper Sizing - An HVAC technician can determine the ideal AC unit tonnage for cooling your square footage effectively. An improperly sized unit wastes energy.
  • Features—Consider useful features like programmable thermostats, multi-stage compressors, and Wi-Fi controls to customise comfort and efficiency.
  • Noise Level - Look for decibel ratings to estimate how quietly the indoor and outdoor units operate. Newer compressors are much smoother and vibration-free.
  • Warranties - Choose an AC unit with strong warranties on the compressor and parts, ideally 5-10 years. This protects against early repairs.
  • Reputation - Select an AC brand known for reliability, efficiency, and long-lasting performance under demanding conditions.
  • Installation - An experienced, certified air conditioning technician is critical for proper installation and maintenance.

Energy Efficiency Ratio

Choosing the suitable replacement unit for your home’s unique needs and climate will ensure you get the most value from your new air conditioner in terms of adequate cooling, energy savings, and modern features.

Don’t Ignore the Signs - It’s Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner!

Suppose your older air conditioner displays issues like limited cooling power, constant repairs for refrigerant leaks or clogged condensation drains, excess noise, and sky-high energy bills. In that case, it likely indicates a severe problem with your aging unit. While complex repairs may temporarily fix these issues, they show that investing in a new system is the best solution.

Upgrading to a modern, energy-efficient air conditioner can provide reliable cooling, lower your electric costs, and prevent future headaches - all at a fraction of the cost of repeated repairs. Contact the experts at Enersol Electrical today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced air conditioning technicians can assess your old air conditioning unit and determine whether replacement is suitable. Investing in a new system can save money and provide cooling comfort for years.